Thursday, July 3, 2008

T Minus One Week

And so the countdown begins.

Who am I kidding? I've been counting down since we booked this trip! But a countdown that says "22 weeks to go" isn't quite as exciting as breaking the four week mark - This morning Cher sent an email that said, "One Week! That is all I have to say." Jenn sent an email last night about her packing trials and tribulations (I'm happy to report she seems to have everything under control). I hear that Betty has everything she and her husband could possibly need for the trip, and it's all laid out and ready to go. Lexi could care less, really, and is just excited to get going and see Gary (don't ask). Marjie is galavanting around the Gaspe coast at the moment, enjoying time with Mamie and Papie. Haze is praying her passport with the visa comes soon, and Kayla is counting all the pairs of shoes she will pack. Joyce, as we know already, is good to go. :)

And me? I'm procrastinating getting ready for my six hours of meetings today, staring out the window at the rain, and wondering when I'll get time to go buy my last few items for the trip. All in good time, I guess.

Before I close today, I will just correct a few things. First, I'm told that I have the description of how the trip came to be COMPLETELY out of order. Mea culpa! Who knows how it actually happened at this point - as I said it doesn't matter how, it only matters that it is! So, take what's written with a grain of salt.

Second, please note the map of the cruise that I've posted on the main blog page.

Third, thanks to Cher's helpful bf John (or JC), I now have a picture of her, Alexis, Betty and Leo. This was taken last year when they were in Venice!

Cheerio and pip pip for now...

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